A Holiday Market Featuring
Non-Monogamous Artisans and Vendors

Sunday, December 1 | 11am – 5pm | Somerville, MA


Scented Soy Candles | Adina

Earrings, Pins, and Custom Nametags | Alex Bittle | Alex Makes Things

Earrings, Paintings, and Sculpture | Ariel Matisse Studio

Portable Kissing Booth | Anvita Pandi

Jewelry | Beck Bonner

Handknits | Jen^2

Knots the Novel | Myles McDonough

Tea and Soup Blends & Trinkets | Dani

Paintings and Drawings | Red

Jewelry, Paintings and Trinkets | Gabby Blonder | Gabberwocky Gifts

Jewelry, Patches & Embroidery | Julian Spielman | Julz Hazard

Earrings, Rings and Necklaces | Rayjaun Pollard | Copperstone Gems

Rosaries and Jewelry | Michael Wood | Nocturnal Morning Star

Found Objects, Trinkets and Alchemy | Alex Hunter Art

Empanadas de Mar

Shiny Ornaments | Rachel Mello and Kit Siegle

Ceramics and Watercolor Cards | Levy Raibert

Coaching and Tarot | Rosa Carson | Rosa Technique

Delicious Dips and Sesame Sweet Sauces | Twiglet’s

Wall Art & Accessories | Kelsey Chase

Non-vending Sponsors

Zac Bears (he/him/his)
Committee to Elect Zac Bears
zacbears.com, hello@zacbears.com

Willie Burnley Jr (he/him)
Somerville City Councilor At-Large, community organizer, writer, and renter. linktr.ee/WillieforSomerville

Handy Mike!
handycamberville@gmail.com, (617) 702-2124‬

Mx. Fixit: Queer Handyperson

Tea & Absinthe
Drink your Fandom

Boston Area Poly Pals, Discord Community

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